Help Us Do More!
Empower Them For Success
Help Us Do More!
UQL is connecting LA's homeless population to safe and secure housing
We are on a mission to Break and End the Cycle of Homelessness. To get our brothers & sisters off the streets and integrate them back into our communities. And to significantly increase and improve the overall availability of affordable, permanent, sustainable, & supportive housing. But we need your help.
Help Bring Them Indoors.
Join us on our journey to “Help Bring Them Indoors”. Your generous support will directly provide housing & rehabilitation services to our homeless clients. Because we believe that no individual should live without a home. Partner with Urban Quality Living today, and help put an end to homelessness.
The Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA) 2022 estimated homeless count showed that in the City of Los Angeles, the number of people experiencing homelessness on any given night increased to 41,980 from 41,290 in 2020. In the County of Los Angeles, the estimated number of people experiencing homelessness on any given night increased to 69,144 from 66,436 in 2020. Below is how we plan to impact this data and help bring more of our homeless population indoors. Join and support our mission.
Secured Housing
Help Us To Do More By Shopping With Us
At Urban Quality Living, our fundamental mission is to bring indoors our homeless brothers and sisters. They tend to be the most vulnerable, overlooked, elderly, frail, mentally-challenged and physically sick among us.
To accomplish this critical objective and safeguard our homeless population's welfare, we need your financial support. Below, we have various items/products that you can purchase from us to ensure that we can fund and support the future of our homeless brothers and sisters, while working with them to break their cycle of homelessness.
We thank you for your kind response to this call to action, which will empower Urban Quality Living to not only create a path out of homelessness, but also to help uplift our most vulnerable homeless persons/families. Together, as we work to navigate resources that are available to them, we can give the homeless a stake holder position in our great State of California.
Together We Can Make A Difference
End the Cycle of Homelessness
Urban Quality Living offers our homeless brothers and sisters the opportunity to experiences wellness and foster their involvement and engagement in their communities. It is our goal to end the cycle of homelessness, thereby ensuring that once a homeless brother or sister is housed, they remain sheltered and safe in their communities long-term. So please consider a monetary or in-kind donation to help us to do this work.
If you wish to volunteer your time, or your skill in helping the homeless or to partner with us to achieve our mission goal. Please visit both our "Get Involved" and "Partners" Pages to see how you can help Urban Quality Living.
You can also put a care package together and give it to a homeless person in your neighborhood. We thank you in advance for your involvement and any contribution you would like to make.
We Are All Impacted by Homelessness
Homelessness can be the result of poverty, pandemic,
job loss and under-employment, inability to make ends meet financially, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, foreclosure, eviction, addiction, or domestic violence -just to name a few common causes.
While there is no single face of homelessness, we are all impacted by it, either directly or indirectly. The homeless have common/shared needs. They need affordable housing, employment income, and good health care, to start.
In addition to these basic needs, certain homeless people may also require mental health, emotional disorder, and anxiety services, all of which will work toward ending their cycle of homelessness.
Join Us and Let's Make a Change Together
Urban Quality Living, is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work that we do at this organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving what we believe is society’s biggest challenge. We strive to make sure that once we house a homeless person or family, they stay housed.
Donate to Our Worthy Cause
Plant a Seed
At Urban Quality Living, we are dedicated to accelerating society's efforts in addressing the issue of homelessness. Through your monetary, in-kind donations and gifts, you can help facilitate our progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and we invite you to learn more about and lend your support to your homeless brothers & sisters, thereby breaking their cycle of homelessness and hopelessness.
Healthcare Systems
Our Commitment to You
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need of a wide range of mental and health care services. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
Affordable Supportive Housing
We Believe in You
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenge of homelessness. Trauma-Informed, supportive, permanent and affordable housing is something that we take very seriously, and our team works every day to make a positive impact. We strive to ensure that once a homeless person or family is housed, they are housed long-term. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to ending homelessness in our communities.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
- Vincent Van Gogh
We Want to Hear from You
Get in touch with Urban Quality Living, Inc., to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
(424) 372-7431